marți, 18 august 2009

let's make the world a better place!

exista speranta:
Taliban & Afghan Women

Upon seizing power, the Taliban regime instituted a system of gender apartheid effectively thrusting the women of Afghanistan into a state of virtual house arrest. Under Taliban rule women were stripped of all human rights - their work, visibility, opportunity for education, voice, healthcare, and mobility. When they took control in 1996, the Taliban initially imposed strict edicts that:

- Banished women from the work force
- Closed schools to girls and women and expelled women from universities
- Prohibited women from leaving their homes unless accompanied by a close male relative
- Ordered the publicly visible windows of women's houses painted black and forced women to wear the burqa (or chadari) - which completely shrouds the body, leaving only a small mesh-covered opening through which to see
- Prohibited women and girls from being examined by male physicians while at the same time prohibited female doctors and nurses from working

Women were brutally beaten, publicly flogged, and killed for violating Taliban decrees.

marți, 11 august 2009

banatically correct :D

uiaga fereang paradaisa curechi crumpi pita raitash shpoier rachie vailing urbeica shol blid cucuruz calindari farba vadra tzucur oloi a pligui plivais maiosh camara chiscant clisa marva ochietzî shioclod armig bolând a givani piparca prau -plashinta cu ludai- sa jioaca in voretz- masai musai laibar flechitza cotarca tzarina duna credentz rapeltz piparca chimesha parazol tirnatz piatz lantz shtergar bitziclu pirchitza cotoroage cotaritza marve hoare shtrimfii zoitat hârt a chici cuina ai mau bash bagrin uica tzoalii a ogoi furchitza vinitura nigeie detz chietz sur soba frushtuc ortac firiz maldar straitza pacurari imala târnatz cuina shioarishi ...and so on.

libertatea de a trage cu puşca

"viteaz şi inutil şi graseiat la culme,
luptam şi-atuncea - ce era să fac?"

joi, 6 august 2009

sampion lig

zi cu soare,fara soare...

marți, 4 august 2009

3 august 1919

alegerea gresita...

luni, 3 august 2009